
Weather at Maddi's Friesian Ranch foaling barn on 04/27/24 at 1:46a

Current Temperature: 33.8°F

Current Humidity: 88%

High Temperature today: 35.6°F at 12:08a

Low Temperature today: 33.7°F at 1:06a

High Wind Speed today: 0.0mph at ----

Rainfall today: 0.00 in

Rainfall this storm: 0.02 in

Sunrise: 6:05a

Sunset: 7:49p

10 Minute Avg Wind Speed: 0.0mph

Outside Temp History  Barometer History

Current Wind Direction  Barometer History  Current Wind Speed

High Temperature this month: 78.2°F

Low Temperature this month: 19.7°F

High Wind Speed this month: 0.0mph

Rainfall this month: 0.11 in

High Temperature this year: 78.2°F

Low Temperature this year: -3.9°F

High Wind Speed this year: 0.0mph

Rainfall this year: 4.26 in

Maddi's Friesian Ranch supports the American Cancer Society and Between Horses and Humans (Click for info)